A downloadable game

Top Down Shooter featuring an art-style inspired partly by Hotline Miami. 

Made for the GMTK Game Jam 2022 based on the theme "Roll of the dice."

How To Play:

WASD to move

F to melee

Click to shoot. Bullets penetrate enemies.

Health shown in the bottom left

The score is shown in the top right

The dice shown on the left TV screen represents how many melee attacks you have left.

The dice shown on the right TV screen represents how many ranged attacks you have left. 

At the beginning of each wave. The game rolls both dice and randomizes how many attacks you have. It then spawns zombies on either side of the screen proportional to the number of attacks you have. 

Touching a zombie will lose you one HP.

If you lose all HP you die.

You get one point for killing an enemy, two points for every melee attack you have left over after a wave, and three points for every ranged attack you have left over after a wave. 

Try and go for high scores by saving your bullets and lining up zombies. 

Have Fun!!


DanceWithTheDead.zip 26 MB

Install instructions

1) Install the folder in the link provided. 

2) Extract the files using 7zip.

3) Locate the executable file, "GMTK Game Jam 2022.exe"

4) Double click the executable and enjoy!

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